You have two choices when you select a marketing method. You can choose selling-based marketing, in which you take on the role of a salesperson and deliver a sales message, often called a sales pitch. We see selling-based marketing most often in cold-call telephone sales and car dealerships. Or, you can choose Education-Based Marketing — […]
High-Pressure Selling vs. Dignified Marketing Depends On How You Use The Three Cons
Lawyers often ask me to explain how selling-based marketing differs from Education-Based Marketing. I point out the standard differences about giving prospects what they want, information and advice – and removing what they don’t want, a sales pitch. But the fine points of Education-Based Marketing go much deeper. You and I, as consumers, want people […]
How To Build Your Law Practice With Dignity
Here’s the only marketing plan you’ll ever need Many lawyers spend thousands of dollars on complex marketing plans. But then, often, other priorities seize their attention and their marketing plans gather dust. Here’s the marketing plan I use for my clients. STEP #1: Identify the niche you want to fill and the services you want […]
Hot Prospects Turn Cold, Build Defenses When You Look Like A Salesperson: Here’s A Checklist Of Do’s And Don’ts
If you talk or act like a salesperson, you immediately trigger your prospect’s sales defenses, which he uses to keep you at a distance. This puts you at a serious disadvantage because it causes your prospect not to trust you. And it may erase your opportunity to ever win that prospect as a new client. […]
Crossing The Line From Educator To Seller Destroys Your Credibility
One major benefit of education-based marketing is that your marketing program attracts inquiries from prospects. In this way, you don’t pursue prospective clients. They come to you. The problem is: If you don’t get inquiries from the prospects you want — and if they’re prospects you can identify by name — you could easily decide […]
The Fatal Flaw In Law Firm Websites
Crazy, isn’t it? Law Firm websites are written by designers, technicians, SEO firms – almost anyone except a Lawyer Marketing Specialist. This is the fatal flaw. Instead, websites should be written by a seasoned Lawyer Marketing Specialist – the same person who creates and directs the law firm’s marketing strategy. Sadly, here’s what often happens: […]