You have two choices when you select a marketing method. You can choose selling-based marketing, in which you take on the role of a salesperson and deliver a sales message, often called a sales pitch. We see selling-based marketing most often in cold-call telephone sales and car dealerships. Or, you can choose Education-Based Marketing — […]
First Time Here?
If this is your first time here, you may find these articles helpful.
High-Pressure Selling vs. Dignified Marketing Depends On How You Use The Three Cons
Lawyers often ask me to explain how selling-based marketing differs from Education-Based Marketing. I point out the standard differences about giving prospects what they want, information and advice – and removing what they don’t want, a sales pitch. But the fine points of Education-Based Marketing go much deeper. You and I, as consumers, want people […]
Hot Prospects Turn Cold, Build Defenses When You Look Like A Salesperson: Here’s A Checklist Of Do’s And Don’ts
If you talk or act like a salesperson, you immediately trigger your prospect’s sales defenses, which he uses to keep you at a distance. This puts you at a serious disadvantage because it causes your prospect not to trust you. And it may erase your opportunity to ever win that prospect as a new client. […]
The Fatal Flaw In Law Firm Websites
Crazy, isn’t it? Law Firm websites are written by designers, technicians, SEO firms – almost anyone except a Lawyer Marketing Specialist. This is the fatal flaw. Instead, websites should be written by a seasoned Lawyer Marketing Specialist – the same person who creates and directs the law firm’s marketing strategy. Sadly, here’s what often happens: […]