Lawyers often carry out marketing programs under the misconception that if they offer general information about their practice, their prospects will figure out the rest. Wrong! If you assume your prospects will fill in the blanks, you’re asking too much. For example, if I said to my prospects, who are attorneys, “I’m a marketing consultant […]
Marketing Secrets Of Superstar Lawyers
SUPERSTAR SECRET #1: They make marketing their highest priority. Superstar lawyers know marketing is the key to success. They hire capable attorneys to do legal work for them so they can focus their attention on maintaining relationships and attracting the clients they want. SUPERSTAR SECRET #2: They know that nothing is more important than their […]
How To Troubleshoot Your Marketing Program
Correct These 18 Problems to Improve Results One weak link can cause your marketing chain to break. If you aren’t getting the results you want, check for these trouble spots. Problem #1: Is your marketing message complete? Your message must identify a problem, prove it exists, identify a solution, prove it works and build your […]
How To Market Other Practice Areas Within Your Firm
“Cross-selling” is the selling-based marketing term for your efforts to persuade clients to buy added services from different practice areas within your firm. But the problem is, most lawyers don’t like to sell — and most clients don’t like to be the target of a sales pitch. Think back to the last time you tried […]
How To Design Your Engagement Letter So It Plays A Key Role In Your Marketing Effort
Don’t underestimate the importance of your engagement letter as both a legal and marketing document. Because if prospects aren’t comfortable with your agreement, they may not sign it — and all your prior marketing efforts have been for naught. You want prospects to welcome your engagement letter because their signature on your agreement allows you […]
19 Tough Questions To Ask a Marketing Consultant Before You Write a Check
QUESTION #1: Which type of marketing do you recommend for me: institutional marketing to build my image — or direct marketing to generate inquiries from prospective clients? ANSWER: If the consultant prefers institutional or image marketing, you should be aware that his marketing program may not attract inquiries from prospective clients. If the purpose of […]
14 Important Points To Consider Before You Hire A Law Marketing Consultant
1. Objective Advice. Consultants who are paid fees are more likely to give you unbiased advice than consultants who earn commissions based on the amount of money you spend. If the consultant profits from ad agency commissions, he has an inherent conflict of interest because the more you spend, the more he makes. Naturally, a […]
19 Important Points to Consider Before You Select A Law Marketing Program
When you’re thinking about hiring a marketing consultant who wants to help you profit from his method of marketing, ask yourself whether the marketing method is… 1. Effective. What proof do you have that the method works? Is it similar to other things you’ve tried that have not worked? What will make it work this […]
How To Build Your Law Practice With Dignity
Here’s the only marketing plan you’ll ever need Many lawyers spend thousands of dollars on complex marketing plans. But then, often, other priorities seize their attention and their marketing plans gather dust. Here’s the marketing plan I use for my clients. STEP #1: Identify the niche you want to fill and the services you want […]
Email Gives You A Big Edge With Prospects But Only If You Respond Quickly
Email’s a wonderful tool. Ninety percent of my communication with clients and prospects is through email. At the same time, email puts a heavy burden on you if you hope to attract email inquiries from prospective clients. Long before email, back in the late 1980s, I had a close friend who was one of my […]